3 Ways Sugar-Free Sweeteners Stall Weight Loss (2024)

so you've been doing everything that that diet guru told you to do but your weight loss has been less than spectacular in this short video I'm going to explain to you three ways that that sugar-free sweetener that you thought was free game maybe stalling your weight loss or your fat loss I'm dr. ken berry a family physician and in this quick little video I'm going to tell you three reasons why that sugar-free sweetener that you thought was safe might actually be slowing down or even stopping your fat burning power now if you know someone who's trying to lose weight but to kind of stalled out please consider sharing this video with them on social media because it might help them a lot now let's jump into the three reasons reason number one is that many of the sweeteners can lead to fluid retention and fluid ways the same thing on the scale as fat and so many people will be actually burning fat but holding fluid and the scale doesn't look like it's movie now fluid it is technically not fat but still we don't want to hold extra fluid if we don't need to the reason the way that the artificial sweeteners do this is by elevating your insulin level and now I'm going to get to that in way number three down below you may not have ever heard of this but it but absolutely all the sweeteners raise your insulin they may not raise your blood sugar your insulin is a whole other thing and all the sweeteners raise that number two using artificial or sugar-free sweeteners may actually call up your carbohydrate addiction and beat many people eating are trying to eat a low carb or a keto or a carnivore diet if they use any sweeteners at all even keto approved sweeteners they notice that their sweet tooth is starting to come back and they start to crave those foods that they're trying to avoid and in many cases this thing can cause someone to fall off the wagon and then gain back all the way that they've been trying to lose number three is something called the cephalic phase insulin respondent responds almost no one and most doctors have ever heard of cephalic phase insulin response but there's quite a bit of research that this is a real thing and that it's been around for thousands and thousands of years I'm gonna put some research links down in the show notes below so you can check this out and verify it for yourself or you may even have to take a copy of it to your doctor or to your weight loss guru when they say that that's not true because it absolutely is so the cephalic phase insulin response what is that so for thousands and thousands feet of years hundreds of thousands of years when we are about to eat some carbohydrates our body needs to know that because we immediately need to start pumping out more insulin to deal with the sugar that invariably comes from all carbohydrates and so when you put something sweet in your mouth immediately your insulin goes up and you may know that insulin is the fat storage hormone or the anti fat burning hormone and so when your insulin levels elevated you ain't no burn no fat and that's a big deal if you're trying to lose fat so we think that that's why this is happening but for many people if they're using lots of keto approved sweeteners and this applies to all sweeteners this applies to saccharine definitely the sugar aspartame monk fruit sucralose all the sugar alcohols all the ones that you thought were safe they probably are better than sugar no doubt about that but they still raise your insulin which causes you to number one retain fluid which shows up on the scale but more importantly number two they can bring up the carb addictions but then by far the most important thing is all is when you taste something sweet it raises your insulin before you even swallow it yeah there's actually a research study I'll link to below where they let people swish saccharin water in their mouth and sugar water in their mouth for a minute and then spit it out they check their insulin and sure enough just the taste of it raised their insulin which is going to turn off your fat burning' it's also very likely that if you smell a cake baking in the oven or if you see a Danish on the other end of the counter just those stimuli probably raise your insulin we don't know about the the smelling and the vision but we absolutely know that if you taste something sweet in your mouth you just raise your insulin you just turned off your fat burning' for up to four hours after you taste that so this is one reason that I recommend if you're really trying to aggressively burn fat you've got to get all the sweeteners out of your mouth now if you've just started a low carb diet or a keto diet and you're using artificial sweeteners and you're losing fat and you're feeling better and inflammation is getting better then keep using that sweetener but if you stall if you stall then it's time to try month of no sweeteners at all and I think that's one of the things that will install you I've got another video on this channel that talks about all thirteen reasons why your weight loss might have stalled I'll have it pop up either here here at the end of this video but keep in mind the artificial sweeteners the sugar-free sweeteners the sugar alcohols all these guys raise your insulin that's going to slow down if not turn off your fat burning' if you enjoy this video please take one second and click the subscribe button and the little bill notification button right beside it so that every time I post a new video you'll get a notification this is doctor Barry I'll see you next time

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