20 almost zero calorie foods great for weight loss

nutrition 20 best superfoods for weight loss 
superfoods is a word often used for nutrient-rich   ingredients that confer major health benefits 
besides promoting overall health many superfoods   contain specific compounds antioxidants and 
micronutrients that may enhance weight loss   here are 20 of the best superfoods for 
weight loss all backed by science 1.   kale kale is a leafy green vegetable that's 
well known for its health-promoting properties   it's a great source of antioxidants 
and several key nutrients including   manganese and vitamins c and vitamin k kale 
is also low in calories and high in fiber   a compound that moves slowly through the 
digestive tract and helps keep you feeling   fuller for longer which may support weight 
loss try adding kale to your favorite salads   sauteing it with garlic for an easy side dish or 
using it to add a pop of color to pasta dishes   2. berries berries like strawberries blueberries 
and blackberries are vibrant flavorful and highly   nutritious for example blueberries 
are rich in fiber and vitamin c and k   they can also help satisfy your sweet tooth while 
providing fewer calories than many other high   sugar snacks or desserts berries work well in 
smoothies or as a topping for yogurt or oatmeal   they also make an excellent snack either on their 
own or combined with other fruits in a fruit salad   three broccoli broccoli is a nutrient-dense 
superfood and an excellent addition to a   healthy weight loss diet in particular broccoli 
is a great source of fiber and micronutrients   such as vitamin c folate potassium and manganese 
multiple studies also show that upping your intake   of cruciferous vegetables including broccoli 
could help prevent weight gain over time add a   bit of garlic lemon juice or parmesan or all three 
to your broccoli for a quick and easy side dish   you can also try adding broccoli to salads 
casseroles quiches or pasta dishes to ramp up   their nutritional value for chia seeds chia 
seeds are loaded with important nutrients   including omega-3 fatty acids calcium magnesium 
and manganese they're also packed with soluble   fiber which is a type of fiber that absorbs water 
and forms a gel in the digestive tract research   suggests that consuming soluble fiber may be 
linked to increased weight loss and body fat loss   chia's seeds are also high in protein which can 
help reduce hunger and regulate your appetite   try sprinkling chia seeds over your favorite 
smoothies yogurts or oat bowls to enhance the   flavor and texture five eggs share on pinterest 
cabin images getty images eggs are versatile   delicious and simple to prepare it's easy to see 
why they're one of the best superfoods for weight   loss in fact eggs are packed with a variety of 
essential vitamins and minerals in each serving   including selenium vitamin b12 riboflavin 
and phosphorus additionally eggs are   brimming with protein which can help promote 
feelings of fullness to boost weight loss   hard-boiled eggs make a great snack sprinkled 
with some salt and pepper or a bit of hot sauce   you can also enjoy eggs in omelets quiches 
breakfast burritos and stir fries 6.   avocado avocados are popular for their unique 
taste and texture as well as their impressive   nutrient profile in particular avocados high in 
potassium folate and vitamins c and k although   avocados are considered a calorie dense food 
they're loaded with fiber and heart healthy   unsaturated fats which can keep you feeling 
full between meals to help you lose weight   avocados can bring a creamy texture and rich 
flavor to toast salads soups or scrambled eggs   they also make an excellent addition to sauces 
and dips like guacamole hummus and salsa   7.

Sweet potatoes sweet potatoes are a vibrant 
delicious and nutritious superfood they're loaded   with antioxidants along with vitamins a and 
c manganese and b vitamins what's more sweet   potatoes are high in fiber which can slow stomach 
emptying to boost both weight loss and fat loss   you can bake mash boil or saute sweet potatoes 
and enjoy them as a filling snack or side dish   8. kimchi and sauerkraut kimchi is a 
common ingredient in korean cuisine   it typically consists of salted fermented 
vegetables like cabbage and radish   sauerkraut is the european version of this 
dish also typically made with fermented cabbage   like other fermented foods kimchi and sauerkraut 
are great sources of probiotics these are a type   of beneficial bacteria also found in your gut 
and they support several aspects of health   interestingly some studies suggest that probiotic 
supplements may play a role in weight regulation   and affect appetite and feelings of fullness to 
squeeze more probiotics into your diet try eating   kimchi with rice or adding it to stews grain bowls 
or noodle dishes sauerkraut goes well in wraps and   burgers and alongside sausages including vegan 
varieties it also pairs well with cheese there   are no rules for how to eat kimchi and sauerkraut 
so feel free to experiment with your food pairings   many people also eat them on their own when you're 
choosing kimchi and sauerkraut avoid varieties   that contain added preservatives or sugar as well 
as those that have been pasteurized look in the   refrigerated section of your grocery store you can 
also easily make your own kimchi or sauerkraut at   home 9.

Bell peppers share on pinterest sushiman 
getty images also sometimes referred to as sweet   peppers bell peppers are a highly nutritious 
veggie available in a variety of colors   they're rich in fiber and boast an array of other 
important nutrients including vitamin c vitamin b6   and potassium thanks to their high water content 
they're also very low in calories and can replace   other ingredients in your diet to decrease your 
daily calorie intake and support weight loss   pair bell peppers with hummus tzatziki or yogurt 
dip for a quick and easy low calorie snack   alternatively try dicing them and adding them to 
soups salads or stir fries to brighten your dishes   10.

Chickpeas chickpeas also known as 
garbanzo beans are a type of legume closely   related to other types of beans including 
kidney beans black beans and pinto beans   each serving of chickpeas is high in manganese 
folate phosphorus and copper chickpeas are also   high in fiber and protein which can slow digestion 
regulate your appetite and promote weight loss you   can swap chickpeas in for other sources of protein 
and meals to give any recipe a plant-based twist   you can also bake or roast chickpeas and season 
them with your favorite spices for a simple snack   11 apples apples are not only one of the most 
popular fruits on the planet but also one of   the most nutritious apples are chock full of 
antioxidants plus essential micronutrients   like vitamin c and potassium they also contain 
a specific type of soluble fiber called pectin   which animal studies have shown may help 
reduce food intake and increase weight loss   studies have suggested that including apples in a 
healthy diet may promote weight loss and improve   your overall health you can enjoy apples in their 
whole raw form for a healthy high fiber snack   they're also delicious sliced up and paired with 
peanut butter cream cheese or yogurt dip 12.   spinach spinach is a popular leafy green 
vegetable originally from ancient persia   it's low in calories and high in fiber vitamins c 
a and iron what's more spinach contains thylakoids   which are a type of plant compound that may delay 
fat digestion and reduce hunger and cravings   in addition to salads there are plenty of 
other creative ways to add spinach to your diet   try adding it to stir fries soups smoothies 
or pasta dishes to bring some extra color and   micronutrients to your meal 13.

Walnuts share 
on pinterest the picture pantry offset images   walnuts are a type of tree nut known 
for containing many healthy nutrients   along with being rich in omega-3 fatty acids 
walnuts contain a concentrated amount of vitamin e   folate and copper although they're relatively high 
in calories studies show that the body absorbs 21   fewer calories from walnuts than expected based 
on their nutritional value studies have also shown   that walnuts may reduce hunger and appetite which 
could be beneficial for long-term weight loss   walnuts are great for adding a 
heart healthy crunch to salads   cereals oatmeal or yogurt you can 
also season and toast them for a tasty   filling snack 14. oats oats are a whole 
grain food and beloved breakfast staple   their scientific name is avena sativa they're 
a good source of fiber manganese phosphorus   copper and protein thanks to the plentiful 
protein and fiber in oats they may be beneficial   for weight management and appetite control 
according to several studies besides oatmeal   you can also enjoy oats in yogurt smoothies 
porridge or baked goods 15.

Tomatoes tomatoes   are a tangy flavorful superfood and an excellent 
addition to a well-rounded weight loss diet   tomatoes are also jam-packed with antioxidants as 
well as vitamins and minerals including vitamins   c and k and potassium additionally because of 
their high water content tomatoes have a low   calorie density which could help support long-term 
weight loss tomatoes can add a zip of flavor to   salads wraps and sandwiches you can also use them 
to whip up delicious soups sauces salsas and jams   16. green tea green tea is a potent source of 
disease fighting polyphenols and antioxidants   in particular green tea is rich in antioxidants 
like porcelain chlorogenic acid and their gala   it's also high in epiglocotec and gallup egcg an 
antioxidant that may help increase weight loss   boost metabolism and reduce belly fat when 
taken in high doses you can brew a cup of   green tea and enjoy it as is or try adding a bit 
of lemon honey or ginger for some extra flavor   17 salmon salmon is a type of fatty fish 
notable for its impressive nutritional profile   salmon not only contains a good amount of heart 
healthy omega-3 fatty acids in each serving but   also high amounts of b vitamins selenium and 
potassium it's also one of the best sources of   protein available which can help manage your 
appetite and enhance feelings of fullness   you can bake sear grill or pan fry salmon 
and pair it with your choice of herbs   veggies and whole grains for a healthy wholesome 
meal 18.

Grapefruit share on pinterest lice gal   offset images grapefruit is a popular citrus 
fruit that's known for its distinct flavor   which can be sour slightly sweet and a little 
bitter each serving of grapefruit contains a   good amount of the fiber and vitamin a and c that 
you need each day it's also low in calories and   some older human and animal studies have shown 
it may increase weight loss and fat burning   one of the most popular ways to enjoy grapefruit 
is by sprinkling it with a bit of salt and sugar   you can also add grapefruit to salads salsas 
smoothies or juices 19 yogurt yogurt is a   dairy product that's high in calcium vitamin b12 
phosphorus and riboflavin some yogurt varieties   including greek yogurt are especially high in 
protein which could be beneficial for weight loss   certain types also contain probiotics which may be 
involved in weight control and appetite regulation   multiple studies have shown that eating yogurt is 
linked to a lower body weight and reduced risk of   developing metabolic disease and type 2 diabetes 
try topping your yogurt with some fresh fruit nuts   and seeds or mix it into dips and spreads to give 
recipes a healthy high protein upgrade 20.

Quinoa   quinoa is a whole grain superfood that 
has gained popularity in recent years   in addition to its rich protein and fiber contents 
quinoa contains plenty of manganese magnesium   folate and phosphorus plus it's one of the 
few plant-based sources of complete protein   meaning that it contains all nine of the essential 
amino acids your body needs its protein content   may help decrease hunger and appetite you can 
swap quinoa in for other grains including rice   couscous or barley in your favorite dishes it also 
makes a great addition to grain salads soups stews   and veggie burgers the bottom line many superfoods 
can help support your weight loss efforts   these foods not only contain high amounts 
of important vitamins and minerals but also   nutrients that may promote weight loss such 
as protein and fiber to get the best results   from eating these foods enjoy them as part of 
a healthy well-rounded diet and pair them you

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