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How I Lost Over 100lbs in 15 Weeks | My Final Weight Loss Results!!

How I Lost Over 100lbs in 15 Weeks | My Final Weight Loss Results!!

[Katina] Front double bicep. That's what's up. [Randy] Got my lucky Canada jersey on.
I'm dominating. I'm using the force just like Harry Potter.
Use the force Harry. Almost done with Sexification 2021. Hey everybody! This is Randy
Santel "Atlas" and it is Monday November 22nd. That means the
end of week 15 of my 15 week Sexification 2021 and now I am
very excited and relieved to announce that my Sexification
2021 has been completed. Everything is over. I was really
happy when I stepped on the scale this morning. Actually I
was very surprised. You guys know that I started out back on
August 9th weighing 393.6 pounds. So I was hoping, as I said
in last week's video, my goal was to have 100 pounds lost
during these 15 weeks. I was hoping to see 293.4 which
would have meant 100 pounds but instead, Katina and I were both
absolutely amazed – 285.2. That means I lost over 13 pounds
during week 15.

I spun over 20 hours while
watching the eight Harry Potter movies but yeah, I lost 108.4
pounds during these past 15 weeks and I am so happy about
that. That is an awesome number that I worked very hard for.
Today, we're going to be talking about what all I did
throughout these past 15 weeks to just keep my motivation
going and everything that helped allow me to complete
these 15 weeks successfully and get the results that I got. I'm
going to discuss four different points with number one being
exactly what I have on my shirt.

Fitness is recommended,
and nutrition is required. Back towards the beginning of this
series, I filmed a video about my goals and one of my primary
goals regarding my behaviors was to throw a strike at least
six out of the seven days each week and you do that, you throw
a strike by having accurate aim and you have accurate aim through
your nutrition. So, each day, I wanted to end at a calorie
deficit but I still knew that I had to have enough food and
beverages, enough fuel to power all of the workouts and the
fitness stuff that I wanted to do, only recommended but I
still wanted to get as much fitness and exercise and
physical activity in so that I could burn as many extra
calories as I could in addition to what my pretty big body
burns already.

Along with throwing six strikes a week, I
wanted to get at least 10,000 steps in each day, tracking it
through my Garmin watch and I also more importantly as far as
extra calories burned, I wanted to cycle or spin on my bike
Stacy down in the dungeon at least 10 hours a week and I
tried to get as many extra resistance training workouts as
I could along the way whenever I had time but anybody who's
followed along these past 15 weeks, you guys all know that I
was consistent, I met both my nutrition and my fitness goals
a lot more often than not because as I said before,
consistency is key. You must in order to achieve great results,
you've got to unlock, you got to unleash the power of
consistency and momentum.

As for point number two, when I
think about the foods and beverages that I consume, I
think about the quality of the nutritional items as far as I
classify them as strikes, spares, open frames, and gutter
balls and if you know anything about bowling, you know what
all four of those terms mean. So, I try of course to focus
more on the strikes and spares so that I can get as much
quality nutrition as I could. I also use the same
classification system to filter everything that I consume
through the other four senses as well in addition to what I
eat and drink through my mouth. Whether it be through my eyes,
my ears, my nose, or through sense of touch, I get emails
and messages very often from people who appreciate how
positive the message and all of our videos are.

I try to always
focus on things that are positive and I restrict, I try
to eliminate as often as possible anything that's
negative because all of you guys know that negative things
can really suck the energy out of you. As I talked about in
the home video, the home that I share with Katina, pretty much
everything we have here tries to encourage creativity,
positivity, and that's why we have the home gym. We both know
what kind of strike and spare, good habits, help us and then we also
know which kind of open frame and gutterball habits, bad
habits, will hinder our progress so we try to make sure all of
the good habits are easier to do via the path of least
resistance and we also make sure that the unhelpful habits,
the open frame and gutterball ones – those are harder to do. We
also make sure to keep all of the high calorie tempting foods
and beverages out of the refrigerator and pantry. If we
want those, we've gotta go out to eat or something like that.
Those are just harder to do.

All of the healthier foods that
are strikes and spares, we focus on those, that is what we
keep in our kitchen. So, that allows us both to be successful
with our physique goals. I also make sure that everything I
read, listen to, and watch whether it be on social media,
the radio, on TV, Netflix, whatever it is, I always make
sure to focus on the positive stuff that will help me achieve my
goals, help me stay motivated, and I kind of filter out, I
avoid all of the negative stuff whether it be negative stuff on
the news, stuff that I can't control really. All of that
negative energy will suck out my own energy that I would much
rather spend on the positive things and working on all of
the goals that I want to accomplish.

So, it is a lot
easier when you avoid the negativity and just focus on
the uplifting, positive stuff. I try to think of my
body as a high-performance machine. I focus on fueling it
with strikes and spares and not so many open frames and gutter
balls. I also do that with my mind. I try to focus on all the
positive things, the strikes and spares that will help me

All of that negative gunk is going to ruin the
performance of my mind and that is why I focus on all the
premium stuff, the strikes and the spares. Just not only my
body but my mind runs a lot better. As for point number
three, team work makes the dream work. Now, I was always in full
control of what I was consuming and all of the exercise and
yes, I of course did that by myself. I didn't have anybody
carrying me along but I did not accomplish all of my goals
these past 15 weeks by myself. Now, this is of course sucking
up to my beautiful girlfriend because I cannot say enough
about how many things she helped me with during these
past fifteen weeks I've got my full-time internship that I'm
doing through Mount Mary University. That's like 40 to
50 hours a week.

I also have graduate school and then
everything that I have to do for my websites and channels.
That's all full time too. Also trying to sleep, get these six
hours or more of sleep each night along with doing all of
the exercise and fitness stuff that I wanted to do. Katina was
a massive help with all of the miscellaneous things not only
just keeping everything positive and encouraging for me
but she helped with meals. She helped with just a number of
things. So, if you are trying to lose weight, it is going to
be a lot easier no matter what your fitness goals are to have
other people on your team. Whether you have roommates, a
significant other, wife, husband, whatever it is, get
them on your team. It's a lot easier. Big thank you to Katina
for all of her help and now she's not the only one.

family was encouraging, mom and dad and my sister through all
the phone calls and texts these past fifteen weeks but yeah,
you guys are all on my team too. I really appreciated
all of the messages, all of the comments, all of the positive
encouragement. It was just all really helpful to help me stay
motivated on track. So, you guys are on the team too. You
guys are part of these over 100 pounds lost and I hope you all
continue to be part of all the upcoming food challenges that
I'll be doing after Thanksgiving but thank you guys
all for your awesome support. As for point number four,
absolutey everything that I did these past 15 weeks all worked
towards the unified goal of weight loss and as you can see I
was successful with that because of all the consistency,
taking advantage of the power of momentum. Now, obviously, not
everything I did was helpful I'm of course not perfect but
overall I had great consistency and momentum. That's because my
nutrition was aimed at weigh tloss. My fitness was aimed
at weight loss. Everything was aimed at weight loss.

It was a
very high priority that I was able to stick to for the past
fifteen weeks. A lot of people when they are trying to lose
weight, they just won't be real consistent or else some of
their goals aren't really compatible with what they're
really trying to accomplish. Now, every day I woke up with the
intention, the goal, to throw a strike. Now I of course didn't
throw a strike every day but I tried my best and when I didn't,
I made sure to learn what I could from whatever I did that
was in accurate, and then the next morning I woke up focused
on throwing another strike that day because I knew that if I
kept on throwing strikes and spares, they would continually
build off of each other and eventually, after so much time
went by, I'd be really happy with the results and as you
guys already know from the beginning, I was really happy
but without further ado, let's get down to the dungeon.

talk about how week 15 went. I wanted to end the sexification
with a boom and I did that by creating my own "hell week" AKA
Harry Potter Week. Each day, my goal was to ride on my spin bike
Stacy while watching one of the movies from the Harry Potter
series and I planned to do a two a day with movies number seven
and eight about the Deathly Hollows on Sunday and I was
able to successfully complete that. It was over 20 hours of
riding which is definitely a new PR. Previously before that, it
was like 17 or something. Actually yes 17 hours and 4
minutes during week 13 but let's just go through – first of
all we'll talk where we weren't perfect. Everything else was
perfect besides my sleep. I was very bad on sleep but when
you're trying to ride 20 hours while doing an internship and
the channels and everything else, sleep took a back seat.

I am sleeping more moving forward but on Monday 6:15 and
then I did great on Tuesday 7:41, But then it's all
downhill. 3 hours 58 minutes, 4 hours 45 minutes, 3 hours
48 minutes, 6:11 and then 6:26. I had the opportunity to sleep
more on Saturday and Sunday but I think because of how much
riding I was doing, my body just didn't really want to sleep so
that is okay. I will get better at that. I did hit my 10,000
steps on 6 of the days. 12,000. 12, 000, almost 11,000, I
did not hit it on Thursday. I just didn't have the time and I
still wanted to get a big bike ride in so didn't hit it there
but then 11,400, 13,600.

On Saturday, Katina and I did a
whole bunch of yard work. A lot of raking leaves and stuff to
get ready for us to go home to my family's for Thanksgiving.
So we did a lot of extra walking and yard work there in
addition to riding. And then on Sunday we did more work,
plus I walked 10,000 steps, just over that. But yeah let's look at
the riding 2 hours 41 minutes, 2 hours 31 minutes, 2:21, 2:45,
2:17, 2:40 and then I did the two a day – 4 hours and 50 minutes. So
when I finished up the second movie yesterday, let's just say
I was very relieved but I was very proud because like I said,
this is a new PR. I rode 307.75 virtual miles which totaled
on Zwift 17, 890 virtual feet of elevation – 20 hours and 9
minutes and what I'm most happy about is that I was still able
to be seated at the end. So, I guess my rear, my tailbone pad,
is pretty resilient. It also helps that I'm lighter too.
I'll be able to do longer rides moving forward but I'll of
course be like I've said before, focused on weight
resistance, weight lifting, body weight stuff, pull ups,
push ups, military press, all stuff on the total gym until
I'm a little bit lighter and then I can do the actual stuff
like pull ups and all that but yeah, you guys know 108.4lbs.

everybody outside the United States. 49.3 kilograms or if
you're in the UK or Ireland – I think those are the only two
that use this but 7.75 stones, so yeah I am just really happy
with how not only week 15 went, but just how all 15 weeks of
sexification 2021 went. I am excited to go home with Katina
to spend Thanksgiving with my family we are going to do a 5K
on Thanksgiving and I'm going to be wearing my turkey
suit. Gobble gobble gobble! A video about that will post
next Friday and then the Friday after that in December, I'll be
posting a video all about my blood levels that I will get
tested a few days after Thanksgiving but yeah I'll have
more update videos about everything in the future and
then follow along with all my social media posts but lots more
upcoming. As I said earlier, you guys are on my team and you are
a big help.

I really appreciate the support but until my next
video this is Randy Santel, "Atlas" hoping you guys always
always ways win before you begin!! Thanks for watching!!.

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