INCREDIBLE 1 Year 113 lbs Weight Loss Transformation

I would rather aim for the stars
and not hit them than to not aim at all I would rather go
after it and not get it than not go after it at all. I'd rather try and fail than not try at all I don't wanna live with the idea wonder what would have happened had I done more with my life. I don't wanna live with the idea wonder what would have happened had I done more with my life. I'm gonna go for it come hell or high water I'm going after my destiny When you feel like giving up, don't.

pexels photo 4474052

When you're thinking about giving up, don't. When it looks like you ain't make it, keep going. You gotta be relentless. The harder the battle the sweeter the victory. You get up in the morning, you look at yourself
in the mirror, you're a different kind of person, you walk with a different kind of spirit. And people know that you know what life is. That you have embraced life. You know it was hard, but you did it hard..

As found on YouTube

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